Tuesday 11 November 2014

Take Control of Your Wife's Drama

If you're wondering why your wife's a drama addict, you might not realize that women and men have very different ways of thinking. A woman actually needs drama and emotion in a relationship. Men, on the other hand, crave a happy, serene environment with as little drama as possible.

What you, as a man, should do to ensure that your wife or long-term girlfriend remains interested, happy and totally engaged with you is to:

1. Ensure that she knows you genuinely love her and is important to you but...
2. Let her see you as being strong and independent and, although you want her in your life, she's by no means essential for you and that you could still be happy without her too.
3. Initiate regular bouts of "drama" and constructive emotional intensity where you are in control of the situation so that she doesn't upset the serenity that you want.

Imagine how incredible that would feel!

You will be able to create extraordinary romance in your relationship just by sending her a few simple text messages that most men have no idea how to do. Watch this free video:
