Saturday, 19 September 2015

Don't Let Your Ego Ruin Your Chances

It is often near-impossible to patch up a broken relationship because of the egos of the individuals involved. They feel too proud to forgive and forget the wrongs of the past. But once you put your pride into your pocket and sideline your ego, it becomes relatively easy to get the relationship to where it once was.

Typically, the most challenging aspect of blotting out your ego is to confess that you were wrong and essentially to take responsibility for whatever caused the romance to crumble. If you want to get back with your ex, you'll have to toss your ego out of the window.

If your partner has bruised your ego, the best thing to do would be to forgive him or her for it. There's no need to put a loving and healthy relationship on the line because of an ego problem. Even though your ex might have hurt you deeply, you must grant forgiveness for the sake of your relationship. Sometimes people say things in the heat of the moment; at times like these you should ignore what your ex has said, for the benefit of the relationship.

Focus on your partner's positive qualities and on the positive aspects of your liaison. Your ex might well be influenced to follow suit, providing an envirinment that is conducive to strengthening the relationship. You will then be ready to take your relationship to a higher level.

However, if you are the guilty party in saying hurtful things to your ex, you must swallow your pride and go and make an apology. Don't be ashamed to admit that you regret your actions and that you are sorry. Explain yourself to your ex in a quiet and relaxed manner, making sure that you are honest and open. He or she will surely appreciate your integrity and the attempt you are making to salvage the relationship.

Notwithstanding the effort it might take to acknowledge your mistakes, setting them out in the open is a gallant thing to do. Make it clear to your ex that the mistake will not be repeated. While this should help to  bring your relationship back to normal, your ex might not, however, be as accommodating. You will have to be prepared for that possibility.

Recommended reading: "Ex Back 101" by relationship expert, Michael Martins.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Take Control of Your Wife's Drama

If you're wondering why your wife's a drama addict, you might not realize that women and men have very different ways of thinking. A woman actually needs drama and emotion in a relationship. Men, on the other hand, crave a happy, serene environment with as little drama as possible.

What you, as a man, should do to ensure that your wife or long-term girlfriend remains interested, happy and totally engaged with you is to:

1. Ensure that she knows you genuinely love her and is important to you but...
2. Let her see you as being strong and independent and, although you want her in your life, she's by no means essential for you and that you could still be happy without her too.
3. Initiate regular bouts of "drama" and constructive emotional intensity where you are in control of the situation so that she doesn't upset the serenity that you want.

Imagine how incredible that would feel!

You will be able to create extraordinary romance in your relationship just by sending her a few simple text messages that most men have no idea how to do. Watch this free video: